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Sign Up To Be A Member

Chicagoland Italian American Charitable Organization is a registered 501(3)(C) charity. We donate time and money to a number of charitable causes that are brought to the attention of our members. The money used to help so many people is derived from dues and donations as well as the two major fundraisers. Administrative expenses are kept to a minimum and are often offset by those contributions. Member dues ($75 annually) cover all our administrative expenses (such as printing, postage, insurance, etc.).


We host two major fundraisers each year and all monies raised go to charitable causes. No members, Officers and Board of Directors receive any compensation for their time and services. Members in good standing receive the “Conversare”, a monthly newsletter designed to keep members informed of upcoming events, future meetings and charitable donations.

Meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month at local area eating establishments selected by the dining committee.

Good Afternoon

We would like to take this opportunity to thank your organization for the “CIACO Baskets of Love” our family received today through the Wayne Township Food Pantry. It is a heartwarming experience. We are very lucky to be one of the recipients receiving these assortment of foods and turkey to celebrate Thanksgiving.

May the blessings be returned to you a hundred fold. More power to your group.

Grateful… Thankful… Blessed…

Our hearts are full!

Best regards,

Maria & Francisco Resurreccion
children: Bea, Francis & Maia