Welcome to the Chicagoland Italian American Charitable Organization

As you browse through the pages we hope that you get a feeling for the type of people who are involved and the variety of charitable deeds we are involved in, and the people that they help. You are invited to email us your comments and we hope that you would join us in fellowship and in helping us to make our community a little happier and nicer.

Upcoming Events

FEB Meeting

Tuesday, Feb 11
6:30 PM
Antonio’s Ristorante in Itasca

MAR Meeting

Tuesday, Mar 11
6:30 PM
Villagio Restaurant in Roselle

APR Meeting

Tuesday, Apr 8
6:30 PM

A Message from our President:

Welcome to the CIACO website. Please take a moment to view the pages of our site. As you navigate the site you will be informed of upcoming and past events. Take a moment to enjoy the photos posted from past events.
CIACO hosts two key fundraisers each year. Our Golf Outing is presented in August and our Honor & Hope Gala is generally in April. The Honor & Hope event is where we present the Dominic Saverino Humanitarian Of The Year award to an exceptional individual. We Honor our wounded heroes and present scholarships to aspiring college bound students Hope. Each November the families and friends of CIACO members meet to assemble 600 crates of food to feed local families in need during our Baskets of Love event.
If you are interested in learning more about CIACO, please use the Contact link at the top of the page or mail correspondence to our office.


Lou Scaramuzzo, President of CIACO


Area of Assistance

As a growing charitable organization it is our intention to do what we can, where we can, when we can. Unfortunately as our name implies, we concentrate on the Chicagoland area, where there is more than enough need to go around.

If someday we are able to broaden our approach and include other areas, our members would welcome the opportunity to do so. May God bless you in your future endeavors. Thanks again.

Mission Statement

Provide scholarships to students regardless of race, gender, religious affiliation or national origin.

Distribute thanksgiving baskets to needy families.

Assist our wounded war veterans and other charitable causes when they are brought to our attention.


Vision Statement

To continually seek out opportunities to help those in need, to honor those who have given to their community or country.

To offer hope to those trying to cope or looking for a better future, to bring joy to those less fortunate and to give of our time, energy and talent with no expectation of personal reward.


Festa Della Famiglia e Amici



Golf Outing



Christmas Party



Columbus Day Parade & Reception



Baskets of Love



Good Afternoon

We would like to take this opportunity to thank your organization for the “CIACO Baskets of Love” our family received today through the Wayne Township Food Pantry. It is a heartwarming experience. We are very lucky to be one of the recipients receiving these assortment of foods and turkey to celebrate Thanksgiving.

May the blessings be returned to you a hundred fold. More power to your group.

Grateful… Thankful… Blessed…

Our hearts are full!

Best regards,

Maria & Francisco Resurreccion
children: Bea, Francis & Maia